大家好!唔知大家去過香港幾多個離島呢? 我地五個島俠係黎自專上進修學院(PolyU HK),現就讀 SPD4459 市場營銷及公共關係科既二年級學生。由於學術關係,我地開左呢個Blog,希望為大家介紹一下如長洲等離島區既生活文化同特色,!P.S 大部分相都係我地五個島俠親身影架!希望大家多多支持! Hello everyone!We, Islands lover, are come from School of Professional Education and Executive Development (PolyU HK), and we are SPD4459 studying Marketing and Public Relations. For the academic uses, we have establish this blog to introduce the lifestyle and features of Islands!P.S All the photos in this blog are taken by Islands lover's hand. Thank you for your support!

Friday, 31 October 2014

SPD4459 走過長洲大地 ─ 西灣天后廟 │Pilgrimage of Cheng Chau ─ Tin Hau Temple at Sai Wan

上一篇就帶大家去左長洲北帝廟,今次SPD4459 島俠就會帶大家去埋長洲西灣天后廟。

Last time we have take you to the Cheung Chau Pak Tai Temple. In this time SPD4459 Islands Lover will bring you to the Tin Hau Temple in Cheung Chau Sai Wan. 


Inside this temple, you’ll find a bronze bell dating back to the Qianlong era (1736–1796), while a small pavilion behind the temple provides a good vantage point for the picturesque beach that lies below.


Around 200 years old and still in use, the Tin Hau Temple in Sai Wan on the tiny island of Cheung Chau epitomizes just how important the Goddess of the Sea still is to Hong Kong’s islanders. That's why in every birthday of Tin Hau the residents will worship and hope Tin Hau can bless them everything for safety. 

Edited by students - Apple Chan from SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations

SPD4459 走過長洲大地 ─ 北帝廟│Pilgrimage of Cheung Chau ─ Pak Tai Temple

係香港,大大小小唔同類型既廟宇都隨處可見,主要係比人們供奉天神。而係長洲e個小島入面都底又存在左幾多間廟宇呢?SPD4459 島俠將會係e兩次既文章入面會為大家介紹長洲與別不同既廟宇。

Nowadays, there are many different types of temple in Hong Kong. It mainly provide to the citizen for worship. Do you know how many temples are in Cheung Chau? In this article SPD4459 Islands Lover will introduce two main temples in Cheung Chau.

係長洲,最多原居民供奉既就係北帝廟同天后廟。今次SPD4459 島俠先會為大家介紹下長洲北帝廟。

Pak Tai Temple and Tin Hau Temple are the most inhabitants worship in Cheung Chau.  SPD4459 Islands Lover will introduce Pak Tai Temple first.


The Taoist God of the Sea also goes by the snappy title of the Supreme Emperor of the Northern Heaven or the Mysterious Heaven. Thankfully, when the people of Cheung Chau erected a temple honoring him 200 years ago, they went with his more common name – Pak Tai.


Pak Tai temple already have over 200 years. This temple is also the centre of festivities during the quirky and wildly popular Bun Festival, which falls on the eighth day of the fourth month in the lunar calendar. The resident will worship to Pak Tai and the others god during this festival.


Please subscribe SPD4459 Islands Lover's blog to know more about Cheung Chau!

圖片出處:(Picture originated from:) 香港記憶HONG KONG MEMORY 長洲大平清礁http://www.hkmemory.hk/collections/local_festivals/festivals/lunar/4_3/index_cht.html#&panel1-1

Edited by students - Apple Chan from SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

SPD4459 走過長洲大地 ─ 張保仔洞 │Pilgrimage of Cheung Chau ─ Cheung Po Tsai Cave

一講起張保仔洞,大家好自然就會諗起以前中學上歷史堂所認識既「張保仔洞」。但係聽就聽得多啦,實際你地到底去過未呢?我就未去過啦,所以SPD4459 島俠前排扚起心肝齊齊去探險,齊齊去做下張保仔先!

When we talk about Cheung Po Tsai Cave, we will think about the history we learn in secondary school. But how many people have been there before? In this time, SPD4459 Islands Lover will go to Cheung Po Tsai Cave. Let’s explore together!

張保仔洞係廣東一個著名海盜張保仔(1786年-1822年)Cheung Po Tsai,  Pirate, 1806-1810用黎收藏金銀珠寶的地方,張保仔洞位於長洲的西灣,大家可以係長洲既碼頭搭艇仔(又稱卟卟仔)到達西灣,然後沿住指示牌行就會到達張保仔洞,張保仔洞口長約10呎,洞穴由入口至出口全長約88米,洞入面非常黑同窄,但係近年已經加左鋼梯,方便遊客進出洞穴。

Often portrayed as a latter-day Robin Hood, Cheung Po Tsai is a star subject of many stories and movies. The historical character was a notorious pirate in the South China Seas during the late 18th century. The Cheung Po Tsai Cave on the island of Cheung Chau was one of Cheung’s stash houses. There’s nothing to see in there these days, but exploring the winding passages and imagining the great buccaneer hiding out is a fun way to kill time.

SPD4459 島俠準備出發既時候,都發現西灣都係比較清靜,可能因為長洲居民都係多數住係東灣果邊啦。沿路都會有幾個公共既燒烤爐,重見到好大隻蜘蛛添! 行去張保仔洞既石路都比較崎嶇不平,大家真係要小心呀!

SPD4459 Islands Lover find that citizens in Sai Wan are more quiet than Tung Wan. Maybe the reason is most of the citizens were live in Tung Wan. When we walking to  Cheung Po Tsai Cave, there are a lot of public grill. Suddenly we saw a huge spider! Because of the road is very bumpy, we need to walk carefully.

行去張保仔洞既時候都只係得一條路,所以都唔難搵。終於去到張保仔洞啦,哇!個洞真係好窄呀!基於我地驚入左去出唔番黎既原因,加上我地無帶電筒,入面又黑,所以SPD4459 島俠都係影左張相就沿路行番落去啦。不過係e個位睇日落真係好正嫁!

It is easy to find the road because there are only one way to walk to Cheung Po Tsai Cave. The cave is really narrow! SPD4459 Islands Lover haven’t bring a torch and we afraid we cannot go inside the cave, so we only take a picture and go back. By the way, this area of viewing the sunset is so perfect!


This time we walk through the Cheung Po Tsai Cave. If you want to know more details, Please subscribe and follow SPD4459 Islands Lover blog!

Edited by students - Apple Chan from SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

SPD4459 走過長洲大地 ─ 小長城 │Pilgrimage of Cheung Chau ─ Mini Great Wall


"Who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man," How many readers have you been there before and become a true man? It's okay if you haven't been there and become a ture man. Because in Hong Kong, it also exist a mini Great Wall in Cheung Chau!

好多遊客入去長洲可能都只係想食下小食,踩下單車,同三五知己過下兩日一夜。但係大部份既香港人其實都唔知道係長洲e個小島入面,竟然存在左一個「小長城」。(SPD4459 島俠),我都係一個住係長洲既朋友仔話比我知)不過長洲居民就一定知道有e個係一個可以行山同散步既好去處。

A lot of tourists go into Cheung Chau might only want to eat some snacks or riding bicycle. Also will stay for a night. In fact, a lot of tourists may not know there is a Mini Great Wall in Cheung Chau including SPD4459 Islands Lover.  My friend who living in Cheung Chau told me there is a Mini Great Wall in Cheung Chau. However, the Cheung Chau residents will certainly know Mini Great Wall is a good place for hiking and for a walk.


Part of the Cheung Chau Family Trail, this path gets its quirky name from its granite railings. The scenery along this coastal stretch is gorgeous and there are also a number of strangely shaped rocks sprinkled along the trail. You can enjoy the whole beauty view of Cheung Chau during twilight. What a special and miracle feeling! Cheung Chau residents will often walk through Mini Great Wall with their friends. They will keeping chatting and sharing their daily experience when walking through the Mini Great Wall. 

當你行到小長城盡頭, 一見到玉璽石就代表e到係小長城終點 就連前年TVB拍攝既「情越海岸線」都有係長洲各個景點取景添! 套劇入面重有好多出名既演員例如黃浩然同陳茵微添!

When you saw the Vase Rock, it seems you are near to the finish distance. Even two years ago, TVB have also shooting a drama which called "Slow Boat Home" in Cheung Chau. It also include some famous artists such as Raymond Wong and Aimee Chan.

大家想知道更多就Click 入去TVB既網站望下啦!

If you want to know more about this, please click into the following website to have a look!


Do you want to know more details after walking through the Mini great Wall? Please keep follow spd4459 Islands Lover's blog!

圖片出處:(Picture originated from:) 情越海岸線 Slow Boat Home - http://programme.tvb.com/drama/slowboathome/

Edited by students - Apple Chan from SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations

Monday, 27 October 2014

SPD4459 島中不一樣的葬禮│A special funeral in Island

SPD4459 島中不一樣的葬禮








最後,島俠(SPD4459)提提大家到長洲的時候,千萬別甩亂意站在「殯儀館」內啊!(因為海濱太像一個空地了^^"" )

Edited by Student - Peggy Tai from SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations


SPD4459 A special funeral in Island

Death is an inevitable part of life.

In Hong Kong, there are seven licensed funeral parlors including the world's Funeral Home, Kowloon Funeral Home, Po Fook Memorial, Fukuzawa funeral home, IWC funeral home, Diamond Hill Funeral Parlour and the Hong Kong Funeral Home.

Although Cheung Chau is a small Island, we still can find a funeral parlor at there.
funeral parlor called "Waterfront pavilion" (海濱亭) . It is a place for funeral.

This funeral home on the street make a lot of foreign tourists felt curious. The timid Islands lover(SPD4459) said: "Although we are afraid to take this photo, it is worth in order to share the lifestyle of Islands."

 "Waterfront pavilion" (海濱亭) built in the 1970s.Because of the island has not been permanently funeral facilities, so it is the only place for the death of Cheung Chau residents of relatives 举殡. With respect to the downtown funeral home, waterfront pavilion simple equipment, zinc iron roof and concrete walls on both sides of front and rear compared with iron gates, no other facilities.

Long times ago, the waterfront pavilion is far away from the residential areas. 
However, as the reclamation and housing construction increased, waterfront pavilion became near the residential areas.
For this reason,
the funeral site become a controversy between the government and the islanders in recent years.

Our article about Cheung Chau will end in the month very soon, thus, Islands lover (SPD4459) hope to share this interesting and unusual theme for you.

What are your point of views in  this special funeral in Cheung Chau?

At the end, Islands lover (SPD4459) should remind you that be careful and do not stay at the open area of the waterfront pavilion even though it doesn't like a funeral home.

Edited by Student - Peggy Tai from SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations

Sunday, 26 October 2014

SPD4459 長洲金蘭姊妹│ The friendship between the elderly in Cheung Chau

SPD4459 長洲金蘭姊妹








Edited by Student - Peggy Tai from SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations

SPD4459 The friendship between the elderly in Cheung Chau
In Chinese, there is a word so-called "sworn sisters". It is used to describe a friendship is like a gemstone, rock solid and beautiful.
Most of the people are busy in Hong Kong ,as a result, their relationship between their friends or families are becoming less and less.

In contrast, because of the transportation and the size of the island, the residents in Island people are more easy to contact with their friends.

Although a lot of Cheung Chau people are more easy to contact with their friends than those who are living in the urban area, they still treasure their relationship.

This close relationship between people can greatly reflected at the street or near the Cheung Chau New Ferry Pier.

In those years, the old people took photos in their big day.
Islands lover(SPD4459) invited Miss Yuen and her friends take a photo, they felt shy and said: "They were sorry about that they haven't dress up very well."

However, the islands lover(SPD4459) thought that the friendship between Miss Yuen and her friends is already the most beautiful things in the world!

Most of the older people in the island are enjoyable in Cheung Chau. They enjoy to walk around and chat with their friends everynight.

Took Miss Yuen mother and her sworn sisters as an example. After dinner, they will  "automatically" go to the new ferry pier to have a date. 

Their friendship is like a gemstone, rock solid and beautiful. Even one of the members haven't come yet, they still could predict the reason.

This kind of friendship
between the elderly in Cheung Chau is touching Islands lover's heart.

There are a lot of things we have to cherish. As time goes by, we wish everyone will learn to treasure in their relationship.

Edited by Student - Peggy Tai from SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
