一講起張保仔洞,大家好自然就會諗起以前中學上歷史堂所認識既「張保仔洞」。但係聽就聽得多啦,實際你地到底去過未呢?我就未去過啦,所以SPD4459 島俠前排扚起心肝齊齊去探險,齊齊去做下張保仔先!
When we talk about Cheung Po Tsai
Cave, we will think about the history we learn in secondary school. But how
many people have been there before? In this time, SPD4459 Islands Lover will go to Cheung Po Tsai Cave. Let’s explore together!
張保仔洞係廣東一個著名海盜張保仔(1786年-1822年)Cheung Po Tsai, Pirate, 1806-1810用黎收藏金銀珠寶的地方,張保仔洞位於長洲的西灣,大家可以係長洲既碼頭搭艇仔(又稱卟卟仔)到達西灣,然後沿住指示牌行就會到達張保仔洞,張保仔洞口長約10呎,洞穴由入口至出口全長約88米,洞入面非常黑同窄,但係近年已經加左鋼梯,方便遊客進出洞穴。
Often portrayed as a latter-day
Robin Hood, Cheung Po Tsai is a star subject of many stories and movies. The
historical character was a notorious pirate in the South China Seas during the
late 18th century. The Cheung Po Tsai Cave on the island of Cheung Chau was one
of Cheung’s stash houses. There’s nothing to see in there these days, but
exploring the winding passages and imagining the great buccaneer hiding out is
a fun way to kill time.
SPD4459 島俠準備出發既時候,都發現西灣都係比較清靜,可能因為長洲居民都係多數住係東灣果邊啦。沿路都會有幾個公共既燒烤爐,重見到好大隻蜘蛛添! 行去張保仔洞既石路都比較崎嶇不平,大家真係要小心呀!
SPD4459 Islands Lover find that citizens in Sai Wan are more quiet than Tung Wan. Maybe the reason is most of the citizens were live in Tung Wan. When we walking to Cheung Po Tsai Cave, there are a lot of public grill. Suddenly we saw a huge spider! Because of the road is very bumpy, we need to walk carefully.
行去張保仔洞既時候都只係得一條路,所以都唔難搵。終於去到張保仔洞啦,哇!個洞真係好窄呀!基於我地驚入左去出唔番黎既原因,加上我地無帶電筒,入面又黑,所以SPD4459 島俠都係影左張相就沿路行番落去啦。不過係e個位睇日落真係好正嫁!
It is easy to find the road because there are only one way to walk to Cheung Po Tsai Cave. The cave is really narrow! SPD4459 Islands Lover haven’t bring a torch and we afraid we cannot go inside the cave, so we only take a picture and go back. By the way, this area of viewing the sunset is so perfect!
This time we walk through the Cheung Po Tsai Cave.
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Edited by students - Apple Chan from SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
Edited by students - Apple Chan from SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
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