SPD4459 島俠們想與大家分享一個關於離島公開的祕密。
1. 最懷舊拍攝:《一
這是佈滿鐵皮屋的一條小巷,有人記得它嗎? |
《一 碌 蔗》 線上觀看網址: http://v.pptv.com/show/kgj1c9tBse9S0Dg.html
《麥 兜 故 事》線上觀看: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tAQl8BvSvo
3. 最具人氣拍攝:《情越海岸線》
講個發現您知啦! 原因拍劇時候茵微BB都係長洲一間XXXXXXXX中學到彈過琴呀!
4. 最具人情味拍攝:《長洲誌》
報紙檔華哥: 長洲賓客人數多..... |
《長洲誌》預告片: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fW2JXFX9iwA
Edited by Student - Peggy Tai from SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
Hey! Islands lover(SPD4459 ) would
like to tell you those films which was shooting in the Island.Cheung Chau is
one of a beautiful place in Hong Kong. Thus, it attract a lot of tourists and
movie directors to come for shooting.
Let Islands lover tell you about
this secret !
1. "Just One Look"
Islands lover (SPD4459) believe that TWINS was
one of young people's favorite idol. And most of the boys and girls may watched
this movie before! This love story was taken in Cheung Chau in 2002.
"Just One
Look" online view: http://v.pptv.com/show/kgj1c9tBse9S0Dg.html
2. The funniest one: "The Story of McDull"
At that time, the bun scrambling competition still
haven't become a large tourism event yet,but this movie already
reflects the perseverance of Islands residents!
"The Story of Mudull" online view: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tAQl8BvSvo
"The Story of Mudull" online view: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tAQl8BvSvo
3. The hottest one: "Slow Boat Home"
If people ask about what makes Cheung Chau become the
new hot spot for sightseeing, Islands lover (SPD4459) have
to say is "Slow Boat Home." This is a love drama produced
by TVB,
the actors includes Raymond
Wong, Chen Zhan Peng, Aimee Chan and Selena.
As the theme of "Slow Boat Home" about Cheung Chau, it is easy for Cheung Chau residents see a lot of stars near their home every day. It is a pleasure!
As the theme of "Slow Boat Home" about Cheung Chau, it is easy for Cheung Chau residents see a lot of stars near their home every day. It is a pleasure!
Tell you a secret! Amie B played a piano in one
of the Secondary School in Cheung Chau during acting this drama. Here is the video with the truth!
4. The touching one: "Cheung Chau Diary"
It is a film showcases by students from Visible Record’s seven-day training camp that took place in Cheung Chau in June this year.
This film is about the interesting lifestyle of people, important social issues and the culture on this small island.
The tailor of "Cheung Chau Diary" : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fW2JXFX9iwA
Edited by Student - Peggy Tai from SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
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