大家好!唔知大家去過香港幾多個離島呢? 我地五個島俠係黎自專上進修學院(PolyU HK),現就讀 SPD4459 市場營銷及公共關係科既二年級學生。由於學術關係,我地開左呢個Blog,希望為大家介紹一下如長洲等離島區既生活文化同特色,!P.S 大部分相都係我地五個島俠親身影架!希望大家多多支持! Hello everyone!We, Islands lover, are come from School of Professional Education and Executive Development (PolyU HK), and we are SPD4459 studying Marketing and Public Relations. For the academic uses, we have establish this blog to introduce the lifestyle and features of Islands!P.S All the photos in this blog are taken by Islands lover's hand. Thank you for your support!

Thursday, 6 November 2014

SPD4459 橫跨南丫登山路─建興阿婆豆腐花│Accross Lamma Itineraries─Kin Hing Tofu Dessert

話說上次SPD4459 島俠就一齊去左南丫島行山,體驗離島生活。SPD4459 島俠發現如果你地想一日之內可以橫跨整個南丫島既話,就只有一條登山徑連接成個南丫島。行去e條登山路,就會發現兩種截然不同的小島風情。

Last time SPD4459 Islands Lover have went to Lamma Islands for a hike. Also enjoying the lifestyle in Lamma. SPD4459 Islands Lover find that if you can walk across the Lamma within a day, there is only one itineraries between Lamma. You will find different island style when you walk through this itineraries.

登山路既起點係由榕樹灣大街出發,可以先感受到外國情懷;之後就會經過南丫風采發電站、洪聖爺灣泳灘、觀景亭、蘆鬚城,而終點就係索罟灣,係終點會體驗到索罟灣充滿特色既漁村文化。(我地SPD4459 島俠會係下一篇文章會介紹南丫風采發電站嫁!記得繼續留意我地SPD4459 島俠既文章啦!)

The lamma itineraries started from Yung Shue Wan Main Street. You can also enjoy the western style in Lamma Island. Then you will walk through the Lamma Winds, Hung Shing Yeh Beach, Hilltop pavilion, Lo So Shing and the end point is located in Sok Kwu Wan. You can eperience a traditional Chinese fishing village in Sok Kwu Wan. (SPD4459 will introduce the Lamma Winds to all of you in the next content.)

係登山路程中,我地SPD4459 島俠重發現左南丫島好出名既「建興阿婆豆腐花」。正所謂建興阿婆豆腐花,食過真係誇啦啦!」建興阿婆豆腐花」並唔係南丫島既專利,只係島上婆婆的手藝與心意實在真摯,長年累月相傳令遊客黎到南丫島上就好似要打卡咁,都會幫襯婆婆既豆腐花,留下自己到此一遊的蹤跡。所以我地SPD4459 島俠都去左朝聖了

When walking through the Lamma Itineraries, SPD4459 Islands Lover find out one of the most famous area - Kin Hing Tofu Dessert. “Kin Hing Tofu Dessert, the taste is really boast Lala”. “Kin Hing Tofu Dessert” is not the patent of Lamma. Only the grandma's craft and mind of Kin Hing Tofu Dessert which can influence our heart. In everyday, every week and every year, many visitors came here mainly for the Kin Hing Tofu Dessert. As a result, SPD4459 Islands Lover also try the Kin Hing Tofu Dessert. Really really yummy!


When you visit in Lamma next time, you can to enjoy your hoilday. On the other hand, try to keeping hiking and taste the Kin Hing Tofu Dessert. In order to refreshing cool and try to feel the real human touching within this place.

我地SPD4459 島俠就講下行山必定會經過既 - 南丫風采發電站。記得密切留意啦!
Next time SPD4459 Islands Lover will talk about Lamma Winds. Please keep subscribe SPD4459 Islands Lover!

Edited by Student - Apple Chan from SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations

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