大家好!唔知大家去過香港幾多個離島呢? 我地五個島俠係黎自專上進修學院(PolyU HK),現就讀 SPD4459 市場營銷及公共關係科既二年級學生。由於學術關係,我地開左呢個Blog,希望為大家介紹一下如長洲等離島區既生活文化同特色,!P.S 大部分相都係我地五個島俠親身影架!希望大家多多支持! Hello everyone!We, Islands lover, are come from School of Professional Education and Executive Development (PolyU HK), and we are SPD4459 studying Marketing and Public Relations. For the academic uses, we have establish this blog to introduce the lifestyle and features of Islands!P.S All the photos in this blog are taken by Islands lover's hand. Thank you for your support!

Monday, 13 October 2014

SPD4459「麻雀雖小,五臟俱全」的長洲 ─交通工具│Diversification of Cheung Chau – Transportation


In the last episode, we have introduced the public facilities in Cheung Chau such as Police Station and Hospital. How do they coordinate with the emergency services?

當我地SPD4459 五個島俠去到長洲做實地考察既時候,就咁岩見到救護車出動。係長洲呢d咁窄既街道,如果比市區一般既車輛出入,一定令到行動綬慢而且造成人車爭路既局面。所以呢度既車輛都係非常之細小特別,絕對提升辦事效率。我地今次分別影左警車、救護車、消防車。要捕捉佢地既身影真係一d都唔容易呀!而車既外型真係有d似玩具車,非常有趣。

We SPD4459 Islands Lover saw an ambulance when we went to Cheung Chau for site visit. The streets of Cheung Chau are very narrow, if there is a big ambulance or police car similar to urban district, it must slow down the services. Therefore, there is a special size of different types of car to make the process more effectively. It is not easy for us SPD4459 Islands Lover to capture the police car, ambulance and fire engine and the outlook just like a toy car.



In additions, there are some elderly live in Cheung Chau, it is not that convenience for them to go out especially so many ladders and incline in Cheung Chau. Hence, the nursing home provides special shuttle car for travel them to their home.


We SPD4459 Islands Lover will introduce the public entertain facilities for you in next episode, thank you for your attention!

Edited by Student - Heidi Li from SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations 

