上一篇就帶大家去左長洲北帝廟,今次SPD4459 島俠就會帶大家去埋長洲西灣天后廟。
Last time we have take you to the Cheung Chau Pak Tai Temple. In
this time SPD4459 Islands Lover will bring you to the Tin Hau Temple in Cheung Chau Sai Wan.
Inside this
temple, you’ll find a bronze bell dating back to the Qianlong era (1736–1796),
while a small pavilion behind the temple provides a good vantage point for the
picturesque beach that lies below.
其實係好耐次前,長洲居民都係以漁業為主,漁民都信奉海上既守護神 — 天后。傳說天后自童年起已經有預測天氣的異能,在海難中救人無數,沿海鄉民同漁民都視天后為「海上守護神」。所以係每年天后誕既時候,長洲居民都會進香,供奉神明,希望天后保佑佢地事事順利,平平安安,場面亦都非常熱鬧。
Around 200
years old and still in use, the Tin Hau Temple in Sai Wan on the tiny island of
Cheung Chau epitomizes just how important the Goddess of the Sea still is to
Hong Kong’s islanders. That's why in every birthday of Tin Hau the residents will
worship and hope Tin Hau can bless them everything for safety.
Edited by students - Apple Chan from SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
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