大家好!唔知大家去過香港幾多個離島呢? 我地五個島俠係黎自專上進修學院(PolyU HK),現就讀 SPD4459 市場營銷及公共關係科既二年級學生。由於學術關係,我地開左呢個Blog,希望為大家介紹一下如長洲等離島區既生活文化同特色,!P.S 大部分相都係我地五個島俠親身影架!希望大家多多支持! Hello everyone!We, Islands lover, are come from School of Professional Education and Executive Development (PolyU HK), and we are SPD4459 studying Marketing and Public Relations. For the academic uses, we have establish this blog to introduce the lifestyle and features of Islands!P.S All the photos in this blog are taken by Islands lover's hand. Thank you for your support!

Thursday, 6 November 2014

SPD4459 南丫島的碼頭 │SPD4459 Lamma Island's Pier

SPD4459 島俠係南丫島的碼頭 發現左少少野。SPD4459 島俠相信你地都未必留意到一個千奇百趣既情況。就係南丫島居民泊單車既特別方法。而家俾大家睇下南丫島居民點樣泊單車。

SPD4459 Island Lover find some thing special in Lamma Island, SPD4459 Island Lover believed that people may not be aware of a funny and special situation. The answer is the way Lamma Island residents park their bike in front of pier. Let SPD4459 Island Lover show the picture of how they park.

大家請俾趣~ SPD4459島俠就俾 6個趣,因為這種泊單車方式係其他既17區都未必見到。就連SPD4459島俠係長洲都見唔到有。這種泊單車方式又唔會阻到遊客,又可以顧及其他泊單車人士。

Do you think that is a interesting situation? SPD4459 Island Lover think so. it is because this situation is so special and can not be found in other districts. SPD4459 Island Lover thinks that this kind of parking would not prevent tourism and take other bikers into account.  


SPD4459 Island Lover gives you some tips. In fact, Lamma Island's pier can arrive to Central and Aberdeen. SPD4459 Island Lover suggests that if you are hungry, you can go to Aberdeen to enjoy tasty food - Fried Crab

Edited by Student - Matt Chan from SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relation

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