大家好!唔知大家去過香港幾多個離島呢? 我地五個島俠係黎自專上進修學院(PolyU HK),現就讀 SPD4459 市場營銷及公共關係科既二年級學生。由於學術關係,我地開左呢個Blog,希望為大家介紹一下如長洲等離島區既生活文化同特色,!P.S 大部分相都係我地五個島俠親身影架!希望大家多多支持! Hello everyone!We, Islands lover, are come from School of Professional Education and Executive Development (PolyU HK), and we are SPD4459 studying Marketing and Public Relations. For the academic uses, we have establish this blog to introduce the lifestyle and features of Islands!P.S All the photos in this blog are taken by Islands lover's hand. Thank you for your support!

Friday, 31 October 2014

SPD4459 走過長洲大地 ─ 北帝廟│Pilgrimage of Cheung Chau ─ Pak Tai Temple

係香港,大大小小唔同類型既廟宇都隨處可見,主要係比人們供奉天神。而係長洲e個小島入面都底又存在左幾多間廟宇呢?SPD4459 島俠將會係e兩次既文章入面會為大家介紹長洲與別不同既廟宇。

Nowadays, there are many different types of temple in Hong Kong. It mainly provide to the citizen for worship. Do you know how many temples are in Cheung Chau? In this article SPD4459 Islands Lover will introduce two main temples in Cheung Chau.

係長洲,最多原居民供奉既就係北帝廟同天后廟。今次SPD4459 島俠先會為大家介紹下長洲北帝廟。

Pak Tai Temple and Tin Hau Temple are the most inhabitants worship in Cheung Chau.  SPD4459 Islands Lover will introduce Pak Tai Temple first.


The Taoist God of the Sea also goes by the snappy title of the Supreme Emperor of the Northern Heaven or the Mysterious Heaven. Thankfully, when the people of Cheung Chau erected a temple honoring him 200 years ago, they went with his more common name – Pak Tai.


Pak Tai temple already have over 200 years. This temple is also the centre of festivities during the quirky and wildly popular Bun Festival, which falls on the eighth day of the fourth month in the lunar calendar. The resident will worship to Pak Tai and the others god during this festival.


Please subscribe SPD4459 Islands Lover's blog to know more about Cheung Chau!

圖片出處:(Picture originated from:) 香港記憶HONG KONG MEMORY 長洲大平清礁http://www.hkmemory.hk/collections/local_festivals/festivals/lunar/4_3/index_cht.html#&panel1-1

Edited by students - Apple Chan from SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations

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