大家好!唔知大家去過香港幾多個離島呢? 我地五個島俠係黎自專上進修學院(PolyU HK),現就讀 SPD4459 市場營銷及公共關係科既二年級學生。由於學術關係,我地開左呢個Blog,希望為大家介紹一下如長洲等離島區既生活文化同特色,!P.S 大部分相都係我地五個島俠親身影架!希望大家多多支持! Hello everyone!We, Islands lover, are come from School of Professional Education and Executive Development (PolyU HK), and we are SPD4459 studying Marketing and Public Relations. For the academic uses, we have establish this blog to introduce the lifestyle and features of Islands!P.S All the photos in this blog are taken by Islands lover's hand. Thank you for your support!

Thursday, 23 October 2014

SPD4459 長洲北社街坊會│Cheung Chau Northern KaiFong Association

長洲街坊會主要分為南社和北社,SPD4459 島俠就為大家講下長洲北社街坊會。舊時,北社街坊會是一個工餘後聯誼的好地方,同時負責著區內的治安。因為當時海盜入侵,警方沒有足夠的警力。街坊會的成員自動組成防衛隊來保護自己的財物。

Cheung Chau KaiFong Association can be divided into Southern and Northern, SPD4459 Island Lover introduces Cheung Chau Northern KaiFong Association to you. Former, Cheung Chau Northern KaiFong Association is a good place for togethering after working. It was also responsible for the security in Cheung Chau, due to  intrusion of pirates. Neighbourhood formed a team of guards to protect their life and wealth.


Right now, the goal and objective of KaiFong Association has changed since the disapperance of the pirate. From protecting their life and wealth to serve and respeect to elderly in Cheung Chau.

長洲街坊會是一個歷史悠久的組織 。現時主要積極參或籌辦長洲島上的事務。例如太平清礁巡遊等等的活動。

KaiFong Association is a long-established organization. It mainly focuses on holding and participating the affair for Cheung Chau.

SPD4459 島俠認為長洲街坊會只是一個非牟利組織,而最令人鼓舞的是長洲街坊內心的團結互助精神。這精神令長洲街坊會得以延續下去。

SPD4459 Island Lover thinks that KaiFong Associationis only a NGO but the most encouraging thing is that the spirit of mutual aid among all Cheung Chau residents. The coherence is not formed by KaiFong Association but the spirit.

Edited by students - Matt Chan from SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations

reference: https://sites.google.com/site/pakshekfa/Home/jie-fang-hui-jian-jie

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